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Design Process

1- Brand Questionnaire

In order to create a tailored and exceptional experience for you and your business, it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide us with as much detail as possible in this section. This will allow us to better understand your design preferences and any ideas you may have. Additionally, please feel free to share a mood board if you have one available. Your input in this stage will be invaluable in creating a truly remarkable end product in the next stage.

2- initial idea development

After our discussion, I will conduct thorough research on your business sector and develop some initial ideas that I believe will be a strong direction for us to pursue. Additionally, we will create a word map to establish a solid foundation for our work. 

3- Proposal

This stage will come couple weeks after some development and I'll come forth with a idea and explain why I made the creative choices I made and this your opportunity to feedback to me before we finalise on going ahead with any brand boards or any additional materials 

4-Finalise Branding and logo

Once everything is signed off and ready to go, I'll dive right into creating your brand guidelines, brand board, or any other marketing materials you've requested. If you've only requested a logo, no worries, I'll make sure it's perfect! Depending on the service you've requested, the end result may vary, but don't worry, I'll make sure it amazing.


After I send it over, take a few days to let it sink in before giving feedback. If you're completely satisfied, we'll work together to make it perfect I'll let you know if any additional work affects the final quote price, but don't worry, I've got you covered!

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